About Us

Why Should You Choose Us

We are community of sports enthusiasts, who have brought together this mobile application for sports lovers around Indian cities to come together & participate in recreational sports. Convenient & easy, the sign-ups are non-commital and fun. Sign up, participate & play on demand, no fuss or hassle

Our Basic Features

Some of The Best Features

Find sports games in the app

Download our app for Android or iOS and join a game at your convenience

On demand sports

Find a game, join a game with a click, turn up & play

Join the community:

Join sports enthusiasts and like minded people or groups in your city

Have a good time

Your game will be designed to be fair & equal, with a host that might change teams if any session is out of balance

What We Offer

Fully Customized App For You!

Muis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velitesse cillum dolore eu fugia nulla pariatur excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi aonsequatur neprehenderit.

Why play with us?

Joining us means that you participate in recreational sports with a community of like minded people.

A game with Player One could mean that you are taking a well deserved break from a stressful life or a job, or for others it could also mean staying fit in a fun way without any commitments or show up and show of your own skills with the other players or team mates.

Whatever the reason, the fact that you join goes a long way in participating in a community of like-minded people and to support this as a business enabling us to bring this to more people in many more cities.

The PlayerOne application is designed to be available widely so that you can join at your convenience and as needed without the hassle of trying to get 10 people from your WhatsApp group, book a ground/turf and then hope that everyone shows up. So get up join a game near you and be part of a community.

App Information

Explore Our Statistics

Repellendus temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.

1430 + Clients
2430 + Beneficiaries
1810 + Reviews
10253 + Downloads

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Frequently Asked Questions

A pick-up game is a game where you can sign up for a game of a sport in your locality, show up and play. You are only responsible for yourself to show up and no other commitments. You pay for your own slot and a friend's if you would like to bring them along.

The games will use sporting facilities in different areas in Indian cities, our aim is to be a large community and spread to multiple Indian tier-1 cities. For now, we only offer football & in Pune city.

With every game, there is one host & several other players, based on the size of the pitch/ground. You can absolutely become a host, however we have limited slots as hosts for now, due to our offering in certain areas in Pune.

Currently, only football. In the future, we anticipate onboarding badminton, cricket and possibly Tennis.

Apps available For all Devices

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